Are Air Purifiers Safe? The Side Effects of Air Purifiers Explained

Are air purifiers safe? It's a question that many people have asked, and the answer is not always clear. Headaches, sore throats, coughs, asthma attacks and difficulty breathing are some of the symptoms that some air purifiers can cause. In fact, your air purifier can exacerbate many of the health problems you were hoping to solve. But what about those air purifiers that are filtered in several stages and used properly? Can they make you sick?The answer is no.

While it's true that air purifiers filter dust from the air and generally make your home an easier place to breathe, you may notice an increase in dust accumulation in the area where you place the air purifier. This is because the air flow is directed towards the air purifier, causing the area around it to be much more filled with local debris in the air. Inhaling ozone, even in small amounts, can irritate the lungs. Specific effects may include throat irritation, coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath, as well as an increased risk of respiratory infections. Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms that occurs naturally in the Earth's stratosphere.

Unfortunately, the ozone that many air purifiers emit is much less friendly. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are another type of pollutant that can be found in indoor air. Symptoms of exposure to VOCs range from allergic-type problems, such as sneezing and runny nose, to acute headaches and memory loss. Air purifiers with a true HEPA filter can do wonders when it comes to capturing pet dander from the air. It's not fair to say that air purifiers directly cause illness, but they can aggravate pre-existing symptoms in a vulnerable person. That's why it's important to research before buying an air purifier to make sure you're getting one that benefits you.

All those hours of breathing in purified air can make all the difference, and you may start to feel more rested after long-term use of an air purifier. The amount of air in a room that a particular air purifier can clean when set to its maximum speed is known as CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate). If you feel unwell, stay close to your air purifier so that air particles can filter out before they reach other rooms in the house. Research has found that people spend up to 90% of their time indoors and that indoor air pollution is a greater health risk than outdoor air pollution. Using a HEPA air filter with activated carbon filter included will help your baby breathe better without introducing anything into the air that could have an adverse effect. Air purifiers can worsen allergies because they tend to attract allergens from the room air to the air purifier. However, other types of air purifiers use UV lights and modules that must also be replaced annually for them to work properly. In conclusion, while it's true that some types of air purifiers can cause side effects if used improperly or if they are cheesy models, most are safe and effective devices for improving your health.

It's important to research before buying an air purifier so you know you're getting one that benefits you.

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